White Kidney Beans, CALIBER 9+

White Kidney Beans (White Beans) is a kind of annual plant of the family Legumes, the curly trunk of which is covered with elegant flowers forming pods, in which are beans of the traditional shape of the crescent bean. Small varieties of white beans have the shape of a regular oval, milky-white color, dense structure. Ripened beans are covered with a glossy shell, which wrinkles when soaked.

Caloric value of white beans
Caloric value of white beans is 102 kcal per 100 g of product.

Compound and useful properties of white beans
More than 20% of the legume crop consists of high-quality vegetable protein, comparable in benefits to beef, but without animal fat, which makes digestion difficult. The protein is necessary for the construction of immune and muscle cells, contains enzymes and virtually all essential amino acids. According to the content of indigestible dietary fiber, white beans are much ahead of vegetables and greens. The use of white bean dishes helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, purify the intestines and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Beans contain B vitamins, rich in folic acid, mineral substances such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, and copper, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. Bean dishes contain complex carbohydrates and proteins at the same time, so they are ideal for use during diets and fasting days, replacing several foods (meat + side dishes).

Bean from Kyrgyzstan is considered one of the best in the world in its characteristics. Kyrgyz bean is a natural product, carefully grown in ecologically clean fields of Talas. Dried peeled bean is considered to be one of the best and greatest sources of protein for the human body. The use of bean for food is a recommendation of the world #39;s leading dieticians. Easy digestibility and very low caloric value can be identified among the invaluable properties of this product. In this case, the bean contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Planting of bean seeds in Kyrgyzstan is carried out from mid-May to early June, when the weather remains stably sunny and the soil warms up sufficiently. When growing beans, special importance is attached to watering, loosening the soil surface, weeding and fertilizing it. The vegetation period of the bean in Kyrgyzstan is from 70 to 120 days.

The Kyrgyz bean supplied by "KYRGYZPRODUKT" TM irrespective of the grade is subjected to seven degrees of purification at its own production and warehouse base located in Talas region.
Using the modern Turkish and Italian equipment by company, as well as manual labor for the cleaning of leguminous crops, ensures the high purity of the supplied products.
The quality of the products meets the requirements of GOST 7758-75 and is confirmed by the quality certificates

The packaging of prepared products carries out:

  • in polypropylene bags weighing 25 kg or 50 kg.

The most popular type of modern packaging for bean in all countries is polypropylene bags: durable, comfortable, inexpensive, resistant to moisture and low temperatures, safely withstanding considerable weight. They are ideal for storing and transporting beans.
KYRGYZPRODUKT company offers its customers the individual branding of polypropylene bags:

  • In transparent two-layered polyethylene bags weighing 1, 1.5, 2 kg